Graphic style

Creative use of our graphic devices can add interest to our communications. It helps them stand our and look super cool.

Accelerate graphics

This super cool graphic is made up from the ‘A’ that’s used in our logo. You can use this illustrative style creatively  to tell a story, highlight a fact or to help emphasise the importance of our work and explain it in a greater context.

The graphic device should always begin with the ‘A’ shape found in the logo where possible. This is to ensure the device is viewed as an ‘A’ rather than a ‘V’ or ‘W’ shape.

We can use them big, small, overlapping – get creative and have fun with them. But please don’t recolour them. Remember, less is always more.

Accelerate graphic

Important notes:

Feel free to experiment with these devices, and create your own. But ensure all works still carry the logo in full and that is applied correctly. Graphic devices should never replace our logo in any application.

Some examples in practice

We have made some PowerPoint slides including graphics and the statements used throughout Accelerate. Feel free to use some of these in your presentations.



Samples showing the Accelerate graphic