A Community Interest Company (CIC)
A Community Interest Company (CIC) is a special type of limited company (or social enterprise) which exists to benefit the community rather than private shareholders and is regulated by The Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies.
A Community Interest Company (CIC)
Accelerate is a Community Interest Company (CIC) which is a special type of limited company which exists to benefit the community rather than private shareholders and is regulated by The Office of the Regulator of Community Interest Companies. We are also a member of Social Enterprise UK.
We must file our annual accounts each year together with an annual community interest report which says how the CIC has benefited the community and how it has involved its members in its activities.
We raise our funds via different income streams which include:
- Our Centre of Excellence clinic services
- Our work in the local community
- Consultancy
- Research
- Grants
- Managed care programme
These income streams give us funding to cover our costs but also invest back into our vision of creating a world where access to effective, responsive and personalised local care for those with lymphoedema or wounds is a reality.
Investments in our community
We have also made considerable investment in our community with things like
- Free Accelerate Academy places and sponsored events
- The Rosetta Life programme
- The Legs Matter campaign
- Personalisation pilot
- Gait analysis capabilities
- Our move to St Joseph’s Hospice
We are relentless in our drive to ensure that our income is used to create the system change that will make a dramatic difference to the lives of people living with chronic wounds and lymphoedema and to the organisations delivering that care.