Sharp debridement in wound management

Book your place on the course now

Please complete the form below and select your preferred course date/s. There are 3 ways to confirm your place:

  1. Pay by credit card
  2. Send us a purchase order
  3. Pay by bank transfer

You receive an email shortly from the Accelerate Academy Team confirming your application.

Terms and conditions

  • Attendees are approved based on the information supplied so this information must be accurate and truthful
  • Places are allocated on a first come first served basis once payment is received
  • We must be notified of any cancellations at least 2 weeks prior to the course commencing for a full refund. If you cancel after this time, a refund will only be processed if we can fill your place on the course date agreed
  • The teaching and learning materials shared with you are for your own personal development and should not be used outside of this remit without prior agreement from Accelerate
  • Privacy notice information – when you join an Accelerate Academy course, other learners in the virtual class room are able to see your email address within the TEAMs classroom. This information is not shared with any other third parties
  • Refunds may take up to two weeks to be processed