Summer of skills week
A fantastic range of face to face masterclasses and workshops, delivered by experts in the field of lower limb care in partnership with Leeds Beckett University School of Health
We’re excited to launch our brand new Summer of skills week for 2025 in partnership with Leeds Beckett University School of Health, with a fantastic range of face to face masterclasses and workshops, delivered by experts in the field of lower limb care.
View the Leeds Beckett Skills Lab facilities
14 – 17 July 2025
Leeds Beckett University – City Campus, Woodhouse Lane LS1 3HE
Who should attend?
- Registered Nurses
- Nurse Associates working in areas such as General Practice, District and Community, Prisons, Dermatology, Vascular services
- This list is not exhaustive
What’s available?
You are free to pick and choose which session(s) you attend.
Assessment of the person presenting with leg ulceration Workshop
14 July 09.30 – 16.00 – £165 + VAT (£198)
Perform a holistic assessment of a patient presenting with a lower leg wound, following the approach; assess the person, assess the limb, assess the wound
This day will include manual doppler ABPI assessment and interpretation, considering recent NICE Diagnostics guidance.
In partnership with Mesi.
Courage to compress Masterclass
15 July, 2025 09.30 – 16.00 – £165 + VAT (£198)
- Revisit the principles of compression therapy, refining your skills in the different types of compression bandages (inelastic, elastic and mixed systems) hosiery (off the shelf and made to measure) and wraps.
- Learn more about the National Wound Care Strategy Programmes immediate and necessary care recommendations, exploring early intervention for skin tears, wounds, mild swelling and lymphorrhoea (wet legs).
In partnership with Medi and L&R
Introduction to chronic oedema management Workshop
15 July 09.30 – 16.00 – £165 + VAT (£198)
- Develop an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the lymphatic system, chronic oedema and lymphovenous disease
- Increase knowledge about primary, secondary and chronic oedema, the differences, and similarities
- Understand more about the use of compression therapy in complex patients, including foot and thigh bandaging
- Explore the evidence base for different treatment modalities such as compression bandaging and hosiery
In partnership with Haddenham Healthcare
Lower limb management Masterclass
16 July, 2025 09.30 – 16.00 – £165 + VAT (£198)
This is a theoretical day not a practical workshop.
- Revisit complex wound healing
- Explore safe compression therapy in stable heart failure
- Discuss medication management within the context of ulceration and swelling
- Examine complex pain assessment in leg ulceration
- Discuss diagnosis and treatment of unusual aetiologies
In partnership with Essity
Foot and toe management Workshop
17 July, 2025 09.30 – 12.30 – £75 + VAT (£90)
- Learn how to assess and manage swollen or wet toes through the appropriate selection and application of toe bandages, foot stumps and or toe caps
- Learn bespoke techniques for wet and excoriated or ulcerated toes
In partnership with Solventum and L&R
- Georgina Ritchie, Director of Education, Accelerate (Chair)
Rebecca Elwell, Director of National Clinical Services, Accelerate
Katy Smyth, Academy Teacher, Accelerate & RCN GPN Forum Co-Chair
Kate Williams, Associate Director of Wound Care, Accelerate
- Fran Worboys RGN BSc (Hons) DipN DipHS, Consultant Clinical Nurse Specialist in Tissue Viability
- Louise Parker, Senior Lecturer, Leeds Beckett University, School of Health (Facilitator)
Speaker bios available on flyer.
Download a pdf of flyer
For any queries about the training session please contact The Academy Team on
To book
Book NOW by completing the form below:
Terms and conditions
- Attendees are approved based on the information supplied so this information must be accurate and truthful
- Places are allocated on a first come first served basis once payment is received
- We must be notified of any cancellations at least 2 weeks prior to the course commencing for a full refund. If you cancel after this time, a refund will only be processed if we can fill your place on the course date agreed
- The teaching and learning materials shared with you are for your own personal development and should not be used outside of this remit without prior agreement from Accelerate
- Refunds may take up to two weeks to be processed