Care packages

We aim to make it as easy as possible for health professionals and customers to experience our multi-disciplinary approach to treating chronic wounds and lymphedema. Part of this means creating different packages of care that mean individuals can access care in a way that’s right for them. As a not-for-profit social enterprise we are mindful of providing best value across our range of offerings.


NHS single individual appointments

Our focus for service provision is within the NHS. We remain vigilant in recognising the financial constraints currently facing NHS organisations. We offer a pricing tariff  which can be downloaded below. This is based on single individual appointments.

Our specific packages of care 

Our aim with all care is to help individuals return to their local service as quickly and seamlessly as possible. That’s why our packages are time limited and have a period of shared care with the local service. This helps ensure continuity and avoids any unnecessary blip in progress.

The focus for our packages of care include wound care and intensive therapy for lymphoedema patients.

You can find out more about our packages of care and related costs by emailing us at